Senin, 05 Januari 2015

Evaluation and Testing in ESP

Literally, the word of evalution means that decide on the valueor quality of something[1] Stufflebeam, dkk (1971) define the evaluation is The process of delineating, obtaining, and providing useful information for judging decision alternatives[2]. While according to Arikunto (2003) define the evaluation is a part of activities that have purpose to measure how deep the result in course program[3].
Evaluation is intergral part of the teaching process and it has some pre-course and off-course functions, such as appropriately placing students or certifying that they have reached certain level of profiency. But the main role of an evaluation in instructional programs is measure achivement that is to see how and wheter students have mastered course materials, and to identify areas where they need additional help.
Huthinson and waters (1987:144) claim that there are two level of evaluation in ESP, Learners assesment and course evaluation and both have similiar function in providing feedback on the ESP. Learner assesment is to asses the learners performance at the beginning and at the end of course. The result of this kind of evaluation provide valuable information for the institution, sponsor, teachers, and learner to make decision wheter and how much language financial support  is required. The course evaluation is the evaluation of ESP course it self. It helps to assess wheter the course objectives are being met and whether the course is doing what it was designed to do. The information gathered forms the starting point for any necessary revison of the course and may help to guide the design other similiar courses.
Simiarly, Robinson (1991) comment thet with regard to ESP programs, a course assesment is seeking to establish the effectiveness and afficiency of teaching programs which can be distinguished in to formative and summative evaluation. Formative evaluation is carried out during the life of a course or a project and the results obtained can be used to modify what is being done. In  contrast, summative evaluation is carried out when the course or project is finished and when it is clearly to late to do any appropriate changes. Decision will be taken as to whether to repeat the course or not, whether the money has been well spent or not.
A primary issue in any course evaluatin or test is what to avaluate, since this will largely determine how students view their learning objectives. Brinton, Snow and Wesches (1989:185-186) catogorized the “what to evaluate” as follows:
a.       Knowladge of elements of the linguistic code : e.g., pronounciation, sentence mechanics, relevant vocabulary, grammatical forms and patterns, word order.
b.      Knowladge of discourse ; organizational patterns, specialized vocabulary, and other conventions appropriate to the type of content baing taught, including different oral and writing genres.
c.       Interactive communication skill: ability to communicate affectively in face to face situation in the clasroom and in the other context of eventual use, including comprehension and the use of paralinguistic and non linguistic cues.
d.      Academic language use skill : ability to analyze and manipulate academic content trough language; critical thinking.
e.       Related study skill; efficient not taking, ability to use the library, refrencing skill for research papers, use of non verbal material in reading, and timing management.

A.    Planning a test
Before making a test, a tester needs to know some steps of test planning as well as stage and consideration in developing a language test.
1.      Step of testing
a.       To determine the purpose of the test
In determaine the purpose we have decide the purpose before such as profiency, achivement, diagnostic or placement. In a result of course there are four purposes may be there[4] :
-          To repare the assesment or the process of study (formative)
-          To decide the succes of student in course (summative)
-          To identify the students’ problems in a course (diagnostic)
-          To place the student what level they are suitable.
b.      To specify the objective of the test : what is to measure
c.       To define the content area of the test : performance or skill.
d.      To determine the relative weight of the different parts of the test : oral/writen, performance/skill, fluency/accuracy and etc.
e.       To determine what testing method and procedure to use in order to tap the objectives and content : rol play, simulation and etc.

Table stage and consideration in developing a language test
Phase I
Determining the porpose of the test
The tester decide on why he is testing and what he will use the result for
Phase II
Planning the test with the aid of table spesification
The tester consider the objective of the test as they relate to what will be tasted.
Phase III
Selecting the test items and task
The tester choose among various testing procedure.
Phase IV
Administering the test
the tester consider a systematic administration in the appropriate testing condition and gives the test.
Phase V
Scorring and rating
The tester avaluate the quality of the language sample according to certain criteria
Phase VI
Analyzing the test and its items and task
The tester analyzes the whole thest as well as the spesific items and task.
Phaase VII
Reporting the test result
The tester convert the raw testing scores into meaningful information for reporting to the specific audience.

2.      Determine the purpose of a test
a.       Proficiency
Evaluation of person’s language knowladge in relation to future language use. It doesn’t necessarily depend on what has been learned before in given course.
b.      Achivement
To evaluate the test-taker’s language in rlation to a given curiculum or material which the test-taker had gone through in a given course
c.       Diagnostic
To identify the test-taker’s strength and weakness in thye language.
d.      Plecement
To evaluate the test-taker’s language knolwladge in relation curriculum of diferent level of the future language course.
e.       Entarance
To evaluate the test-taker’s language in relation to the language needed in a future course.
f.       Mastery
To evaluate the test-taker’s language in relation to spesific.     

B.     Testing Oral Ability
1.      Problem in testing oral ability
The basic problem in testing oral ability arise in setting task that objectively represent oral task which the candidates are expected be able to perfom.
      In setting the task, spesification for oral at the intermediate lavel may involve the following language functions :

a.       Content
Expressing       : thanks, requirements, opnion, attitude
Narrating         : events and sequnce of event
Eliciting           : information, direction, etc
Directing         : ordering, instructing, advising, etc
Reporting        : description, comment/views, decision
Text type        :  dialogues and multi-participant interaction normally of a face to face nature.

b.      Central level of performance
Accuracy        : clearly intelligible pronounciatio, although influenced by learners.
Appropriacy   : use of language generally approproate to the function. The overal intention of the speaker is always clear
Range             : a fair lavel of language is avalaible to the candidate. He is able to express himself without overtly seacrhing words.
Flexibility       : is able to take initiative in a conversation and to adapt to new topics of changes of direction.
Size                 : most constribution may be short but some evidence of ability to produce more complex utterance.
c.       Format
Interview        : the interview is the most obvious and the most common format for testing oral interaction.
With peers      : two or more candidate may be asked to discuss a topic, make plans, comment on a picture, etc. While this makes it easier for the tester to assess the candidate’ more objectively, the performance of one candidate is likely to be affected by that of the others.
To tape-
recording        : uniformity of elicitation can be achieved through presenting all with the same audio or video recorder stimuli.

2.      Planning and conducting oral tests
a.       Make the oral test 15-30 minute long to get enough reliable information about the candidate’ oral communication ability.
b.      include as wide a sample of specified content as possible in the time available.
c.       Plan the test carefully. It would be mistake to begin an interview with no more than a general idea of the course that it might take.
d.      Give the candidate an opportunity to use more than one format, interact with more than one tester, and tackle separate.
e.       Select interviewers carefully and train them with video-recording of interviews.
f.       Ideally, have to testers present at each interview. This makes the judgment more reliable.
g.      Set topicand task that would cause candidates no problem in their own language.
h.      Carry out the interview in a quaite room with good acoustics.
i.        Put candidates at ease.
j.        Collect enough relevant information to help you to make a fair and comperenhensive assesment of the candidate’s oral ability.
k.      Do not talk too much ! elicit and let candidates do much of talking.

C.    Elicitation techniques
Elicitation is a technique by which the teacher gets the learners to give information rather than giving it to them[5]. So elicitation technique gives more chance to students to express theirselves. The kinds of elicitation techniques :
1.      Question and request for information
Avoid or use only a few ‘yes/no question’ and quikly pass on to information question to elicit various function.
2.      Picture
Use single picture fo elicitation description and picture series for elicitation of naration.
3.      Role-play
You can ask candidates to assume a role in particular situation. Use several short situation as this will help you to elicit a variety of language situations.
4.      Discussion
Discussion between candidates can be valuable source of information. They may be asked to discuss a given topic to arrive at a dicision or point of view.
5.      Tape-recorder stimuli
This is ideal for use in the language lab as a large number of candidate can be tested at the same time. For this you can use description of situations, remarks in isolation to respond to stimulated conversation, and conversation completion with script.
6.      Imitation
Candidates hear a series of sentence each of which they have to repeat.

D.    Testing Writing
There are many steps you can take to ensure that your test is more effective and that test writing becomes a learning experience such as The elements of a good test, Validity of a test, Reliability of a test, The affect of tests, Other features of a good test, Assessing difficulty and Conclusion[6].

Writing involve five general components :
a.       Content                 : the substance of the writing; the ideas expressed
b.      Form                      : the organization of the content
c.       Grammar               : the correct use of syntatic patterns and sturtural words
d.      Style                      : the choice of appropriate struture and lexical items to give a particular flavor or tone to the writing.
e.       Mechanics             : the use of the graphic conversation of the language

1.      Objective test versus composition/essay-task test
while assesment in a problem, composition test are superior to objective test for the folloeing reason :
a.       Composition test require students to organize their own ideas expressed in their own words.
b.      Composition test motivate students to improve their writing with appropriate feedback from their teacher.
c.       It take less time and effort to prepare a composition test
d.      Student may cover up weakness by avoiding problems

2.      Item types
a.       Recognition item
1.      Dictation               : teacher read some sentence and the student ask to write what teacher says.
2.      Multiple choise      : this item to test punctuation, spelling etc.
b.      Production items
The kinds of production items are like taking notes, making list, filling forms, writing short message, etc
3.      Points to note
a.       Arrange to take several sample not only one sample
b.      Set writing task
c.       Make the writing task clearly and spesific and provide full diretions
d.      Allow for alternative and the use of variety of forms
e.       Apportion marks for the various component
f.       Ensure objectivity in scoring.

4.      An anatical rating scale for evaluation written language
a.       Content (maximum score 30)
-          30- 27                   : excelent to very good (knowladgeable, subtantive and imaginative)
-          26-22                    : good to everage (some knowladge of sucject, imagination, adequate range.)
-          21-17                    : fair to poor ( limited knowladge of subject, little subtance)
-          16-13                    : very poor ( doesn’t show any knowladge of subject/ imagination, not subtantive, etc)
b.      Organization (maximum score 20)
-          20-18                    : excelent to very good ( fluent expession, ideas clearly stated, etc)
-          17-14                    : good to average ( somewhat choppy, loosely organized but main ideas stand out)
-          13-10                    : fair to poor ( not fluent, ideas confused or disconnected)
-          9 -7                       : very poor ( doesn’t communicate, no organization)
c.       Vocabulary (maximum score 20)
-          20- 18                   : excelent to very good (sophisticated range, effective word choise and usage, etc)
-          17-14                    : good to everage (eduquate range, occusional errors of word, etc)
-          13-10                    : fair to poor ( limited range, frequent errors of word/idiom form, etc)
-          9 - 7                      : very poor ( essentially translation, little knowladge of english vocabulary)
d.      Language use (maximum score 25)
-          25- 22                   : excelent to very good (efective complex construction)
-          21-19                    : good to everage (effective but simplem constructions)
-          18-11                    : fair to poor ( major problems in simple/complex contructions)
-          10 - 5                    : very poor ( virtually no mastery of sentence constructional rules)
e.       Mechanics (maximum score 5 )
-          5               : excelent to very good (demonstrates mastery of conventions)
-          4               : good to everage (occasional errors of spelling punctation)
-          3               : fair to poor ( frequent errorss of spelling, punctuation)
-          2               : very poor ( no mastery conventions dominated by errors of spelling, punctuation capitalization pragraphing, etc)

5.      A holistic rating for evaluating written language

0 – 9
Just an attempt
10 – 29
Some language barely comprehensible
Not fully communicative
30 – 39
More than barely comprhensible; only simplest most basic language produced
40 – 59
Has some gramatical, lexical or syntactic problems
Communicative but erorrs, etc
60 – 69
Awarness of sociolinguistic aspect
Good syntax
Idiomatic language, etc
70 – 79
Near native; sporadic errors
80 – 100
Native; like production

E.     Testing Reading Comprehension
            Some of the skills and sub-skills that should be tested in Reading Comprehension are the students’ abilitiy:
a.       To guess meanings of word/expressions from context
b.      To predict what the text or messages are about, baset on initial input
c.       Identify the main idea (s)
d.      To identify specific details
e.       To make inferences
f.       To ideantify sequence of events, ideas, etc.
g.      To differentiete between relevant and irrelevant information
h.      To differentiate fact and opinion
i.        To differentiate between reality and fantasy
j.        To recognise/transfer the information
k.      To perform a task using the information in the text.
1.      Points to consider
While testing students for reading comperhension, the following points should be born in mind.
a.       Select different forms and styles of writing (stories,letters, dialogues,diaries,articles,repots, etc.
b.      While selecting/constructing items,include some authentic tsks the test-taker will have to do in real life.
c.       Do not attempt to look for many questions for each text; for most short to medium text only a few relevant questions are possible.
d.      Try to use many short texts in a variety of forms and on a variety offorms and on a variety of topics with a few questions on each, rather than one long passage.
e.       Make sure that the language of the question and the instructions is clear and appropriate to the level.
f.       Do not fokus on irrelevant information.
g.      Include questions on pronominal refrence as well.

2.      Item types
a.       Recognition
Restatment , completion, question-answer
True –false
Matching sentence parts.
b.       Production
Cloze with wordist/word alternatives
Cloze with no clues
True –false questions with justifaction
Form /table-completion
Task performance

3.      Points to remember
a.       In constructing multiple-choice items, ensure that the stem presents the problem.
b.      Avoid questions that students can answer on the basis of
1)      Visual discrimination
2)      Word/phrase matching
3)      Outside knowledge
c.       Adept passages if necessary to ensure that there aren’t too many unfamiliar word in passage.
d.      Test both lower order and higher order skills.
e.       Use authentic materials and set appropriate tasks wherever possible.

F.     Testing Listening Comprehension
            in listening comprehension tests we primarily test the following aspects:
a.       Sound discrimination
b.      Sesitivity to sress and intonation
c.       Global comprehension
d.      Discrete-point comprehension
e.       Other aural comprehension-related subskills
f.       Taks performance

1.      Important hints in testing aural/oral skills
a.       Focus on the massage
b.      Do not test memory alone
c.       Stress authentic contexts,materials and use, as far as possible
d.      Provide sufficient context-clues
e.       Give simple, clear and unambiguous directions
f.       Try to create a non-threatening environment
g.      Avoid using unfamiliar accent

2.      Item types
a.       Recognition
-          Ticking the right word
-          Picture/word matching
-          Word in context
Example : I’II.....the needle for you
a.       Thread  b. Dread  c. Threat  d. Tread
Matching the spoken word with written meaning
Example : cota. Baby’s bed  b. Stopped and held  c. Pulled by horses  d. Small animal
b.      Comprehension
     Student hear ‘i wish i had done what you told me to’ and choose a sentence corresponding in meaning or complete a sentence keeping the meaning intact.
Example : ‘you told me to do it but i.....’.A. don’t B. Didn’t  C.  Won’t  D. Shouldn’t

Appropriate response
     (you can use either ‘wh’ questions or ‘yes-no’ questions)
     Example : students hear ‘why are you going to jakarta in december ?’
     And choose from A,B,C, and D below
A.    At six  B. To get married  C. By bus  D. Yes, Iam
c.       Picture –spoken word correlation
d.      Identifying location /direction in diagrams
e.       Following directions/instructions
f.       Information transfer
Form filling, object placement on a picture/diagram (story-based), etc.
g.      Identfying summary/outcome of short dialogues
h.      Lecture-based note-taking

3.      Sub-skills in testing comprehension
a.       Literal recognition (reading) or recall (listening)
1)      Recognition or recall of details
2)      Recognition or recall of main ideas
3)      Recognition or recall of sequence
4)      Recognition or recall of comparison
5)      Recognition or recall of cause and effect relationship
6)      Recognition or recall of character traits
b.      Inference
1)      Inferring suporting details
2)      Inferring the main ideas
3)      Inferring squence
4)      Inferring comparisons
5)      Inferring cause and effect relationship
6)      Inferring character traits
7)      Predicting outcomes
8)      Inferring about figurative language
c.       Evaluation
1)      Judgments of reality or fantasy
2)      Judgments of fact or opinion
3)      Judgments of adequency or validity
4)      Judgments of approprateness
5)      Judgments of worth, desirability or acceptability
d.      Appreciation
1)      Emotional response to plot or theme
2)      Identification with characters and incidents
3)      Reactions to the speakers’ use of language
4)      Imagery
e.       Task performance
1)      Following directions
2)      Following instructions

G.      Testing Grammar
1.       in testing grammar there are some points to remember
a.       avoid testing only discrete items unless it is for diagnostic purpose.
b.      Use natural running contexts wherever possible.
c.       Ensure that the test includes a broad range of relevant grammatical problems in proprotions reflecting their relative importance.
d.      Avoid infreguent or invloved constructions found only in very formal writing.
e.       Do not use non-existing form.
f.       Do not have too many items of one type or on one area.
g.      Try to test grammar in context ising items like modified cloze or a dialogue-completion exercise. Either multiple choice or open ended, depending on the level of the class. These items also help you to relate the teaching and testing diagnostic or remedial purpose, use a large number of discrete items as well.

2.      item types
a.       Multiple choice
1)      Completion
Example : tim ought not to____me the story, but he did
a.       Tell   b.  Have told  c.  Be telling  d. Have been told

2)      Rearrangement
Example : complete the following by putting the letters (a,b,c,d)
For the words in the right order.
            “won’t i need a coat?”
            “well you know how___”
A.    It  B. Today  C. Warm  D. Is

3)      Recognition of right form
Which of the following is grammatical correct ?
A.    I saw him yesterday
B.     I had seen seeing him yesterday
C.     I have been seeing him yesterday
D.    I see him yesterday.

4)      Error recognition
Example : choose one word or phrase, from A,B,C,and D which would not be acceptable in standard english.

Here is a picture , a good friend of hisand I which wastaken at
A.    The   B. Beach  C. Last  D. Summer

5)      Short response
Example : I wish Mr.jacob would speak more clearly.
A.    “so do i “                           C.  “so wish I”
B.     “i wish so “                        D.  “I would I”
b.      transformation
Example :
 i have’t written to her for a long time.
It’s a long time______

c.       Writing appropriate word forms
Example : researchers.............(convince) that a cure for AIDs is nearly insight.

d.      Matching parts
Match part from A and B correctly by drawing a line

Are you going to see a film to night?
So can I
I’m fond of chocolate
no, i don’t.
How was the movie, ‘gandhi’?
are you ? i don’t care for them much my self
Do you like Mr. rajan’s class ?
yes, i probably will

I thought it was very interesting.
e.       extension
I’ve done the work. (already)
I’ve already done the work.
f.       Modified cloze –multiple choice or open ended
Testing articles : candidates are required to write the, a or NA-No article

               In the united states children go to from Monday to that hasyim goes to is very small. He walks there each morning with........friend. one morning they saw throwing ............stones and ........pieces of food was afraid

H.    Testing Vocabulary
1.      points to consider
a.       A word acquires meaning in context and can have several meanings.
b.      A word can have several synonyms and antonims and false synonyms as well.
c.       Words are used diffrently in formal context.
d.      Learners have a larger reportoire of recognition vocabulary.
e.       Words are/ should be thought on the basis of frequency and range, and appropriateness to level.
f.       Word are often used incombination (as phrasal words, collocations, associate pairs,etc.)

2.      item types
a.       Recognition –multiple choice
Picture/word matching
Parts of a whole
Elimination of non-homogenous word

b.      Production
Sentence with word list/word alternatives
Cloze with word list/word alternatives
Replacing word in context with suitable synonyms
Writing approprite forms of word, given the context.
Scrambled words.
Producing apprpriate contexts for a given word.
Using words/phrase approprite to context
Explaining meaning of word /phrase in context
Modified (certain classes)of standard cloze (every 3 or five words are deleted)

3.      poins to remember
use appropriate context/language ensure that :
a.       The correct option and the distracters are at the same level of difficulty and the same lenght, as far as possible.
b.      Instructions are simple and clear
c.       There are no synonyms among the distracters.
d.      All choice relate to the same area or activity and part of speech.
e.       You avoid tricks and traps.

Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary, Fourth Edition (Oxford University Press, 2008)
NAVEL’S BLOG, 014 Pengertian Evaluasi, Pengukuran, Dan Penilaian Dalam Dunia Pendidikan retrieved from :

Eka hardiyanti, dkk, 2013  Tahap Evaluasi dan Teknik Ealuasi hasil Belajar  retrieved from :

British Council College (BBC), 2013  Elicitation Technique retrieved from :

M Basri Wello and Syarifuddin Dollah, Fundamental Aspect of English Spesific purpose. Makassar: Badan penerbit UNM, 2008

Abdul hakim, 014. English for Spesific Porpose task: english education student TBI 4, semester VII, English for Spesific Porpose. STAIN Watampone, Bone

[1] Oxford learner’s pocket dictionary (forth edition ) p. 151
[2] NAVEL’S BLOG, Pengertian Evaluasi, Pengukuran, Dan Penilaian Dalam Dunia Pendidikan at accesed on 7th december  2014
[3] Ibid.,
[4] Eka hardiyanti, dkk, Tahap Evaluasi dan Teknik Ealuasi hasil Belajar  at accesed on 7th December 2014

[5] British Council College (BBC), Elicitation Technique at accesed on 7th December 2014
[6] British Council College (BBC), Writing Test at accesed on 7th December 2014

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